速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Nepali Khristiya Bhajan

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Kathmandu, Nepal

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan(圖1)-速報App

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan (Nepali Christian Hymns) android app is developed to make Nepali hymns easily accessible through phones and tablets. This is our initial version and includes 712 bhajans, 329 choruses and 70 baal choruses. We will be adding more features like christian song chords, audio songs, videos, etc in coming days.

Key Features

1. Hymns available offline (No internet connection required)

2. List of hymns in different 3 categories

3. Search hymns by song title

4. 'Go to' feature to jump to hymn number

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan(圖2)-速報App

5. Set screen awake on/off

6. Set text size of hymns

7. Go to previous or next hymns

Powered by: Youth Circle

Developed by: Zero Incorporation Pvt. Ltd.

Email: apps@youthcircle.org

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan(圖3)-速報App

Website: www.youthcircle.org

Please share us your feedback and comments to improve this application.

Nepali Khristiya Bhajan(圖4)-速報App